Here's what you'll do today in class...
Go to your portfolio website...remember that? Check it out!
You're going to spend a little time reflecting on your work so far this year. So, here's how you'll do that:
You'll go to each of the 5 indicator on your English 11 portfolio (Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Independence, Creativity and Communication). You'll consider the definitions and questions for each, and then you'll reflect on each, by ADDING A COMMENT to the bottom of each page. You'll talk about what you've done well so far with each indicator, and what you'd like to work on before the course ends in January.
Then, you'll reconsider your goals. Never set any? Do it now. Want to revise them, or add a goal? That's cool, too. Remember that you have a goal posted in the classroom--do you want to swap that out for a new one, or redouble your efforts to make progress?
Here's the original link. |
IF you finish all this work in 45 minutes, you can use the rest of the time to make a hand turkey. If you don't finish all the work, you should complete it on your own by Friday, November 30.