"Adjectives on the typewriter...he moves his words like a prizefighter..." --Cake

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Homework: November 27

Honors English 11 (D)

  • Read Chapter 3 in Strength in What Remains. We'll talk Monday.
  • Read your independent book!

AND, to everyone:

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Homework: November 26

English 11 (F)

  • Read your independent book a lot, and eat some turkey!
Honors English 12 (G)
  • Thanks for telling some great adventure stories today!
  • Read Chapters 1-6 of "The Body." Make some notes, paying attention to how King establishes: the characters, the setting and the adventure.
  • Read your independent book a lot, and eat some turkey!
Honors English 11 (A)
  • Read Chapter 2 of Strength in What Remains.
  • Read your independent book a lot, and eat some turkey!
English 12 (B)
  • You have an essay draft due Tuesday--you should be in good shape after all of our in-class work time.
  • Read your independent book a lot, and eat some turkey!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Homework: November 25

Honors English 12 (G)

  • Work on your response! A draft is due tomorrow--I'll take a look!
  • Tomorrow we'll prepare to read "The Body."
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 11 (A)
  • Read Strength in What Remains, chapter 1. Keep an eye on how the main character, Deo, experiences the new world he's thrown into. Look at the language used to describe his experience.
  • We'll deal with the Works Cited-tastrophe later. It's ok...it'll get done.
  • Read your independent book!
English 12 (B)
  • Work on your essay!
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 12 (D)
  • We'll finish up the Works Cited lists on Wednesday morning.
  • Read Strength in What Remains, chapter 2.
  • Read your independent book!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Homework: November 22

English 12 (B)

  • Work on your essay! At least two paragraphs by Monday--you choose which two! Make it good--we'll work in class on Monday.
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 11 (D)
  • Read Chapter 1 in Strength in What Remains. Keep track of your observations, questions and connections.
  • Read your independent book!
English 11 (F)
  • Read and make notes on the essay "The Rest Cure Revisited." Annotate your observations, questions and connections.
  • Read your independent book!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Homework: November 21

Honors English 11 (A and D)

  • Paper revisions are due next class! Work hard on them...come see me if you have questions or need help. I expect some changes and revisions--don't even think about just reprinting your original version (or, just fixing a couple of little mistakes and calling it a day). Not that you would do that...
  • Read your independent reading book!
English 11 (F)
  • You folks did some great thinking and reading today. I was psyched to be part of such a thoughtful, academic-minded atmosphere! After reading the first half of "The Yellow Wallpaper," you asked some great questions that helped guide your reading through the end. Here are some of the questions that I noted:
    • What's up with:
      • the room?
      • the husband? Why does he talk to her like she's a child?
      • the wallpaper?
      • the baby?
    • Is she seeing something different? She says the wallpaper should go, but John says no.
    • Is it making her worse to sit there by herself?
    • We learn about the story through her perspective--how is this important to our understanding? Is John really like that, or is she just telling us he is?
    • Why doesn't he want her to write?
  • For homework, your job is to finish reading the story. What's UP with that ending? We'll talk tomorrow. Once you're done reading, write a one-paragraph response to the question/focus you chose, and/or about your observations and ideas about the story.
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 12 (G)
  • Work on your Room comparative essay. It's due Tuesday! The ideas are looking great--I'm really looking forward to talking about them and reading them.
  • Read your independent book!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Homework: November 20

English 11 (F)
  • Read "The Yellow Wallpaper" up to the point marked in class. Make notes of your OBSERVATIONS, QUESTIONS and CONNECTIONS. We'll talk more about the story in class tomorrow.
  • Read your independent reading book!
Honors English 12 (G)
  • Work on preparing your comparative essay. You should come in tomorrow prepared to write--you'll have computers to use.
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 11 (A)
  • Write up a reflection, in which you rank the 5 Red Sox articles from best to worst (1-5). You decide what constitutes qualities of a strong essay--just be ready to discuss! In a reflection, talk about why you chose the ones you did. You might mention structure, diction, argument, idea-development, etc. 
  • If you didn't finish your in-class response, use the template below to finish up.
  • Work on your essay revisions! I'm around after school (just...not today. But tomorrow!)...come by to chat about your essay!
  • Read your independent book!

English 12 (B)
  • Work on preparing your essay--brainstorm, or start freewriting/thinking/organizing. We'll start writing on Friday.
  • As we talked about in class, Ma's experience is a really complex one. Check out these two blog entries, written/drawn by a woman named Allie Brosh, about her experience with depression. Her experience isn't necessarily the same as Ma's, but it might give a different perspective about what dealing with depression might be like. Keep in mind: there's some challenging language here, and the topic itself is challenging and upsetting. If you have questions about these posts, or want to talk with me about them, just let me know! Or, if you don't want to talk with me, that's ok...talk with someone.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Homework: November 19

Honors English 11 (A)

  • Study those vocab words! You have a quiz tomorrow.
  • Additionally, you should be working on your essay revisions...they're due at the end of the week. Remember, I'm around after school if you have questions or want help!
  • Read your independent book!
English 12 (B)
  • We had a great conversation today about the nature of growing up and the lessons that we learn from Room. We'll come back to it tomorrow, specifically to look at how Ma has been affected by the experience. 
  • Tonight, write up a reflection on today's conversation.
    • In the first paragraph, summarize some of the main ideas of the conversation. Mention some of the things you discussed, and some of the ideas and evidence you shared with each other.
    • In the second paragraph, reflect on your thoughts. What do you think about the question posed? How was your thinking affected by the conversation? What were some of the ideas that others shared, and what do you think of them?
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 11 (D)
  • Write up a reflection, in which you rank the 5 Red Sox articles from best to worst (1-5). You decide what constitutes qualities of a strong essay--just be ready to discuss! In a reflection, talk about why you chose the ones you did. You might mention structure, diction, argument, idea-development, etc. 
  • If you didn't finish your in-class response, use the template below to finish up.
  • Work on your essay revisions! I'm around after school...come by to chat about your essay!
  • Read your independent book!

Fan of the Hunger Games? Check out The Hungry Games!

Starring...Cookieness Evereat!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Homework: November 18

Honors English 11 (D)

  • Study your vocabulary! You have a quiz tomorrow.
  • Work on your essay revisions--they're due at the end of the week. I'm here after school this week, every day except for today. Come work with me!
  • Read your independent book!
English 11 (F)
  • A draft of your theme project response is due Wednesday. I'm around after school tomorrow if you have questions or need help.
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 12 (G)
  • Start working on your Comparing and Reviewing Room assignment. Make sure you've carefully read the model text, and figure out what topic you'd like to consider in your response.
  • Read your independent book!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Smart kids discussing literature and life...

...happening daily in Honors English 12.
These notes are my attempt to capture the brilliance of the debrief of a class text-based seminar that examined Emma Donoghue's Room, the nature of growing up, and connections with T.S. Eliot's "Burnt Norton." These aren't even the original discussion notes and questions, just the post-discussion discussion. It doesn't even come close to showing the depth of thought and nuanced discussion that took place over the two days. Believe me, that was a sight to behold.

Homework: November 15

Have a great weekend, everyone! The weather's supposed to be nice and warm!

English 11 (F)

  • If necessary, work on your theme triangle organizer. Many of you are all set with it (it should have been finished by today), but some of you want to take it and do more. 
  • Be prepared to continue writing in class on Monday. I'm going to take a look at what you've done so far, so I'm ready to help you out on Monday.
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 12 (G)
  • Continue to ponder the philosophical, meaning-of-life questions that the philosophy corner of Pat, Kyle and Cam threw out in class today. We'll talk on Monday about the reviews you'll be writing.
  • Read the article "They Loved Your G.P.A. Then They Saw Your Tweets" and mark it up. We'll talk on Monday. (You don't need to write a reflection.)
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 11 (A & D)
  • Keep working on those essay revisions! Remember, they're due by the end of next week (unless you need more time...if so, talk to me). If you're having the "theme challenge," check out this link. There are lots of themes here, so you can just check to make sure you've identified a theme!
  • Study your vocab! We'll do some review next week, then a quiz!
  • Read the packet of Red Sox articles. Mark 'em up, and identify the main argument of each one. We'll talk about 'em on Monday (block D) and Tuesday (block A)
  • Read your independent book!
English 12 (B)
  • If you didn't finish your response in class today, finish it up this weekend.
  • Ponder this question: What did the story of Room teach you about the nature of growing up, and how did it teach you those things? We'll have some discussion about that question next week.
  • Read your independent book!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Homework: November 14

"Time and the bell have buried the day..."  
T.S. Eliot, "Burnt Norton"
Honors English 12 (G)
  • What a great conversation we had this morning! You discussed some really significant topics, and you did so in really thoughtful, detailed, and philosophical ways. I really wish I had the whole thing recorded, but I guess we'll just have to chalk it up to being there in the moment, and experience that feeling that Eliot spoke of so well: "only in time can the moment in the rose-garden/.../Be remembered..." 
  • Tonight, you're just writing up what you heard in class today. A reflection--a thoughtful paragraph on each conversation. You can write your thoughts on the topic you didn't get to discuss, and your experience of the conversation you did take part in. Talk about what resonated with you in the discussions. We'll debrief tomorrow.
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 11 (A and D)
  • Work on revisions! I'm around after school to go over questions with you, if you've got 'em!
  • Study vocab! We'll do an in-class "pre-quiz" next week (Monday for block D, Tuesday for block A), then an actual quiz! (Tuesday for block D, Wednesday for A).
  • Read your Red Sox articles. You just need to make notes on each, and write down the MAIN IDEA OR ARGUMENT for each one. You can do that right on the handout at the end of each article. We'll use them to write a short essay in class on Monday(D)/Tuesday(A).
  • Read your independent book!
English 12 (B)
  • Finish reading Room! Remember, you had a guiding question to consider. Make some notes.
  • Read your independent book!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Homework: November 13

English 12 (B)

  • Read Room! Remember, you should finish the book by Friday. As you read, take notes about the following question:
    • How has Ma changed after leaving Room? How has Jack changed?
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 11 (D)
  • Star essay revisions! Remember, all essays have room to grow; all benefit from feedback and patient revision. (Remember that example essay I showed you in class? Yikes!) 
  • We'll work on revisions tomorrow in class...make sure you bring your questions!
  • Read your independent book!
English 11 (F)
  • Project prep: In class today, you should have identified a theme idea. The theme should be a message that is present in Alexie's work, Malala's story, and another story of your choosing (movie, book, biography, TV show, current event). For Friday, complete your triangle organizer by filling in specific details from each story that help support the theme. For each text, you should have 5-10 details (quotations, specific events, character details).
  • In class on Friday, you'll write! Make sure you're prepared with a thoughtfully completed triangle organizer.
  • Here's the article that I talked about in class today, where John Elder Robison resigned his roles at Autism Speaks because he didn't agree with their classification of autism as "a problem." There are some interesting potential thematic connections with Alexie and Malala--refusing to view challenges as inherently problematic, and a desire to live life beyond labels, to name a couple.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Homework: November 12

Honors English 11 (A and D)
  • Read and mark up the 5 texts in the packet of articles distributed in class today. For each, determine the main argument the essay is making. Complete this assignment by next Monday (D) or Tuesday (A).
  • Read your independent book--remember, we set reading goals this week!
Honors English 12 (G)
  • On Thursday, we will have our seminar! In order to be prepared, please make notes for both questions. You should be fully prepared to discuss either question.
  • Read your independent book!
English 11 (F)
  • Spend 15 minutes looking at the connections between Alexie's work and Malala's story. Look for common topics, then develop a couple of possible THEMES that are present in both stories. Start looking for evidence from each text that supports the theme idea. If you're not sure about connections, start by writing, "I'm not sure about connections...maybe _________" and write to discover an idea. 
  • If you're still not sure what to say or write, come work with me tomorrow after school!
  • Read your independent book, too!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Homework: November 7

English 11 (F)

  • If you can, finish watching the Malala Yousefzhai interview--you can find it here. You took notes today, but if you can add more, do it!
  • Read and annotate the chapter of Malala's autobiography. If you need to, look up words, titles, and places to find out more about them.
  • Read your independent reading book!
Honors English 12 (G)
  • Read and annotate the poem "Burnt Norton" and make connections between lines/ideas from the poem and the story Room. Remember, the doctor alludes to the poem, so we'll discuss what "Burnt Norton" adds to our understanding of Room. On the handout, it says that the allusion is made on p. 247, but that's a reference to an earlier version of the text. The reference is on page 307 in our text, so please mark your handout accordingly.
  • Start thinking about and planning for both Text-Based Discussion questions.
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 11 (A)
  • Complete the writing exercise handout. Write a good story!
  • Read your independent book!
English 12 (B)
  • Read Room. You should finish section 4 ("After") by Wednesday.
  • Write a reflection on the book. Use the bright green Core Skills sheet to select 2 prompts, from different categories.
  • Read your independent book!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Homework: November 6

Honors English 11 (A and D)

  • Write a thoughtful and detailed 2-paragraph reflection. Check the previous posts for photo documentation of the conversations--they'll help you remember!
    • In paragraph one, give an overview/summary of some of the big ideas we discussed in class today. Mention idea-givers by name, when possible, and summarize the main arguments/analysis you heard.
    • In paragraph two, reflect and respond. You might take on an idea that a classmate offered up, and develop it even more. You might challenge an interpretation, or connect a couple of different ideas. If someone's idea made you think of another interpretation, write about that!
  • Read your independent book!
English 12 (B)
  • Continue reading Room! Make sure you're up to page 242 by tomorrow--there will be some writing to do...!
  • Read your independent book!

"Hell-Heaven" discussion notes--D block

"Hell-Heaven" discussion notes--A block

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Homework: November 5

Honors English 11 (D)
  • Write a one-pager for "Hell-Heaven"--use the handout I gave you in class to help. Remember, it doesn't have to be formal, but it should make an argument and share some analysis!
English 11 (F)
  • Using your drawing, and your notes from class, PICK ONE of the three symbols from the last chapter of True Diary, and write a paragraph using this format:
     In the last chapter of True Diary, Sherman Alexie includes the story of ___________________. Basically, __( in 1-2 sentences, give summary)_____________. In general, (trees/horses/lakes) can be symbolic because they have ____________________________________________ qualities. 
     I believe that Alexie’s purpose in including this story is to make the point that _________________________________. His description of __________(a detail from the story)____________ connects with _____(big idea from the novel). For example, ________________________________ is like ______________________________. Additionally, ________________________________________________________. By including the story of ________________________, Sherman Alexie ____(final statement about story’s role in novel). 

Honors English 12 (G)
  • UPLOAD YOUR ESSAY TO TURNITIN, if you haven't already! DO IT!!!
  • Write a two-paragraph response/reflection to the Aimee Bender review of Room called "Separation Anxiety." The first paragraph should be a summary/overview of Bender's article (choose the most significant points), and the second paragraph should share your opinion--do you disagree, with reasons? agree, with a difference? agree and disagree simultaneously?  Use the templates from class to help you form your response.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Homework: November 4

English 11 (F)

  • Read and annotate "Superman and Me" by Sherman Alexie. Make notes of your QUESTIONS, OBSERVATIONS and CONNECTIONS.
  • When you've finished reading it, add 3 details from the essay to your Sherman Alexie topics web.
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 12 (G)
  • Read and annotate the review/critique of Room that was written by Aimee Bender. You can find it here if you don't have a copy from class.
  • Don't forget to upload your "St. Lucy's"/Pleasantville essay to turnitin.com! The class code is 7244982, the password is GWARR
  • We talked about some grammar stuff in class--gerunds and possessives. It's confusing and complicated...if you want to reread the material or see more, check out these two links:
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 11 (A)
  • Write a one-pager for "Hell-Heaven"--use the handout I gave you in class to help. Remember, it doesn't have to be formal, but it should make an argument and share some analysis!
English 12
  • Read Room! You should be read at least to pg. 207, ideally to the end of pg. 218.
  • I gave you a headache talking about prepositions and gerunds and possessives today! Hooray! The links for some extra resources are listed above in the Honors English 12 section--check 'em out!
  • Read your independent book!