"Adjectives on the typewriter...he moves his words like a prizefighter..." --Cake

Friday, October 31, 2014

Homework: October 31

Have a great Halloween! I hope you're handing out candy and being friendly!

English 12 (E block)
  • Check the list in an earlier post, to make sure you have all of the work for "The Body" completed. If not, complete it!
  • Write your own version of the Halloween of the 70s vs. Today personal essay. If you need a refresher, you can find it here. Remember, you should choose 3 "categories" and write a Then v. Now story about your own experience.
Readers/Writers Workshop (F block)
  • Log into your Google Classroom account at classroom.google.com
  • Submit your "Choice piece" draft to the assignment--you'll see it listed!
English 11 (A and G block)
  • Complete a response for Big Fish...here are the instructions: 
    • 1) Summary of the film "Big Fish;" 
    • 2) Respond to film: here's what I noticed, here's what I feel, etc.; 
    • 3) Make connections with other things we are reading, seeing (Alexie, independent reading book)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Homework: October 30

Readers/Writers Workshop (F block)
  • Read your independent book!
English 11 (A and G block)
  • Make sure you've completed the reading "The Things They Carried."
  • Make sure you've answered the focus question with details and information from the story.
Honors English 11 (C block)
  • Identify a thesis statement, then write up a paragraph in which you consider how Fitzgerald/Carraway portrays Gatsby.
    • Remember, Michaela had the idea that Carraway portrays Gatsby as the "peace in the chaos." You'll want to develop your own idea--how does Carraway portray that character?
    • Then, find some evidence and write up a draft paragraph. What LANGUAGE is significant? What helps us, as readers, understand who this guy is?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A and G block: Macbeth performance

Hello everyone! I hope you've had a great week.

During class tomorrow, you'll attend the Macbeth performance (unless your A block teacher didn't approve). It's going to be awesome!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Homework: October 27-29

Hello folks!

Sorry I'm out for these three days--I'm off doing some peer review of another school nearby. You should be working on the following things over the next couple of days. If you have questions, you can shoot me an email--I might not respond right away, because my schedule is super busy, but I will get back to you!

English 11 (A and G Block)

  • You folks are watching Big Fish in class. It's a really important movie and helps us answer two big questions:
    • What role do STORIES play in our lives? What purpose do STORIES have in our lives?
    • What do we carry with us, and how does that weight affect us?
  • For homework, finish up the story "The Things They Carried" and answer that focus question (it's the second one, above...see how these two texts overlap?).
Honors English 11 (C block)
  • Over the next couple of days, you folks will get into reading chapter 4 of Gatsby. You'll also examine closely some of the language that introduces the character of Gatsby himself.
English 12 (E block)
  • You're continuing to read and annotate "The Body." By Wednesday, you'll want to be at the end of chapter 18. You'll also complete an assignment called "Mapping 'The Body'" and an analysis of some key scenes.
  • Don't forget to study those vocabulary words! You'll have a quiz on Friday.
Readers/Writers Workshop (F block)
  • It seems we're in a bit of a "Johnny Depp film festival." You'll watch Finding Neverland, keeping an eye on the message of the film, and the way(s) the filmmaker shares that message.
  • If you need to do any work on your choice piece, do it!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Homework: October 24

English 11 (A block and G block)

  • Finish reading "The Things They Carried" and write a 1-2 paragraph response to the question below, using the story as your text. (Don't answer it with personal examples--you've already done that! Instead, use "The Things They Carried.")
    • Here's the question: What do we carry with us, and how does that weight affect us?

Honors English 11 (C block)

  • Read and mark up chapter 3 of Gatsby. Remember, you're keeping an eye out for:
    • An important meeting
    • An owl-eyed man
    • A car accident
  • For each, try to figure out not just WHAT happens, but what it means, and why it matters.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Homework: October 23

Honors English 11 (C block)

  • Study your vocabulary! Remember, we're not taking on the new list yet--it's review time.
  • Finish reading chapter 2 of Gatsby.
English 12 (E block)
  • Read and mark up through chapter 12 in "The Body."
  • Complete the front side of the handout you received in class today, in order to be prepared for an in-class activity on Monday.
  • Study your vocabulary! Words 1-20 for Monday.
Readers/Writers Workshop (F block)
  • Work on finishing the draft of your choice piece.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Homework: October 22

Readers/Writers Workshop (F block)

  • Work on your choice piece!
English 11 (A and G block)
  • Study your vocabulary! There will be a cumulative test on words 1-20 on Friday.
  • Complete the response to the articles--you have a handout with instructions.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Homework: October 21

English 11 (A block)

  • Find another article about the ebola situation--read about something you're interested in or want to learn about. Make sure you've already read the article I gave you last week. We'll be working on an assignment that will ask you to identify what information the two articles share, and what information is different. 
    • Here are some articles you could check out if you're interested:
      • http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/21/health/ebola-outbreak/index.html
      • http://www.forbes.com/sites/dandiamond/2014/10/21/the-ebola-number-you-havent-heard-80-of-u-s-ebola-patients-have-survived/
      • http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/10/20/cdc-new-protocol/17638161/
  • Also, don't forget about your portfolio post! There are instructions in a previous post.
  • Study your vocabulary. Many of you need to review the vocab we've been working on.
Honors English 11 (C block)
  • Read Gatsby! Finish chapter 1.
  • And, study your vocabulary. Many of you need to review the vocab we've been working on. There will be a test on Friday.
English 12 (E block)
  • Read "The Body"!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Homework: October 20

Honors English 11 (C block)
  • Read and annotate the article "Nobel Peace Prize honors Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Sat- yarthi"
  • Read to the break on page 9 in Gatsby that we marked in class. Annotate your Questions, Observations and Connections.
English 12 (E block)
  • Read and annotate chapter 6. Go back through chapter 5 if you didn't do it!
  • There is an audio version on YouTube. Google "Stephen King The Body audio" and you'll find it. You can listen along as the narrator reads...just make sure you annotate.
Readers/Writers Workshop (F block)

  • Between now and Thursday, spend at least 20 minutes working on your choice piece. On Thursday, we'll work to finish up a draft.
English 11 (G block)
  • Study all of your old vocab words. We need practice on those, people!
  • Find another article about the ebola situation, and read it/annotate it. Bring it with you to class on Wednesday. I'll be asking you to identify which information overlaps with the first article we read, and which information differs. Remember, some might be opinion articles, some might be reports...make sure you pay attention to the source and type of article you're choosing!
    • Here are a couple of links...check these out if you want!
      • http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/20/health/ebola-outbreak-roundup/index.html
      • http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/20/health/ebola-overreaction/index.html
      • http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/12/opinion/what-were-afraid-to-say-about-ebola.html?_r=0
      • http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/07/31/world/africa/ebola-virus-outbreak-qa.html
  • Lastly, you should be working on your portfolio post! Check the earlier homework post to find more information if you need it!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Homework: October 17

English 12 (E block)
  • Start reading "The Body." Keep in mind the conversation we had today--remember what it was like to be TWELVE.
  • As you read, MARK UP THE TEXT. Notice:
    • Who is telling the story?
    • Who are the characters?
    • What is the setting?

Readers/Writers Workshop (F block)

  • Write a 1-page response to Edward Scissorhands. You can talk about your observations, questions and/or opinions. Check out the notes below, too--you could write about some of those topics if you don't know what else to say!

English 11 (A and G block)
  • For next class: read and mark up the article, "Against Rules, Amber Vinson, Dallas Worker with Ebola, Boarded Plane." Identify the main idea and supporting details.
  • By Wednesday, complete a post on your portfolio. To do so:
    • Sign into your portfolio website.
    • Go to the Learning Expectation you want to post about (Critical Thinking).
    • Use the bullet points on the yellow handout, along with the guiding question, to help you write a full, thoughtful paragraph about your progress in that Learning Expectation so far this year. 
    • Remember to be specific, include evidence, and analyze your progress.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Homework: October 16

English 11 (A and G block)
  • Complete your "The Things I Carry" 1-page personal essay. Check out the marked-up copy, below. You may use the same/similar format as the writer of this essay, or you may find your own structure/organization. Remember to talk about both tangible and intangible "things." We talked in class about how you might brainstorm: You could make a chart where you write down tangible and intangible things, then incorporate them into a narrative.
  • Study for your vocab quiz! It's tomorrow, and it's awesome.

Honors English 11 (C block)
  • For Monday: Complete the "character sketch" of the 2010s assignment. Have fun with it! Remember, you're telling a STORY. Don't write me an essay!
  • For Tuesday: Read and annotate the article "Nobel Peace Prize honors Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi."

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Homework: October 14

English 12 (E block)

  • Complete a draft of a personal essay, and bring it with you to class on Friday. Use the checklist as well as the model texts to help you.
  • Study your vocabulary for a quiz on Friday.
Readers/Writers Workshop (F block)
  • Between now and Friday, spend at least 20 minutes working on your "Choice" writing assignment. Be ready to report out and show me what you did!
English 11 (A and G block)
  • Read and mark up "The Things I Carry."
  • Due Friday: Write your own version of "The Things I Carry"--instructions are on the handout; use the model text to guide you.
  • On Friday: Vocabulary quiz!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Homework: October 10

Readers/Writers Workshop 8 (F block)
  • Write your one-page letter...remember, it should be to, or from, something that's not human. Remember this little film/commercial that we used as a model today:

English 11 (A and G block)
  • Read your independent book!
Honors English 11 (C block)
  • Thank you for your participation in today's activity. I really enjoyed hearing from each of you, and I appreciate your willingness to share a little bit about yourself!
  • Over the weekend, make sure to do your portfolio post if you haven't already.
  • Also, pick 3 of the aspects on the "Formal Aspects of Fiction" handout, and reflect on your independent reading book. You should end up with 3 paragraphs.
  • Finally, don't forget to study your vocab! We'll have a quiz on Thursday, which is the only time I'll see you folks next week!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Academic 11th grade English: Alexie writing assignment resources

Here are some resources that might be helpful for you as you prepare to write tomorrow! We've been working on this in class, and you should have your own notes. Here are our class notes to help, too!

Here's the mind map we worked on in class:

And here are notes on turning a motif into a theme:

Homework: October 9

English 11 (block A)

  • Prepare for your writing assignment--you'll write in class tomorrow! Go over your motif and theme(s). Make sure your map is all set to go. Don't forget to bring your Alexie texts with you to class.
  • Check the post above this one for more information!
Honors English 11 (C block)
  • On your portfolio, complete one POST about your work and progress in English class so far. You may do it for any of the 5 learning expectation categories. To do this, you should go to the page (so, Communication, or Critical Thinking, etc.) and click "new post." Change the title of the new post to the date, then write at least a paragraph of specific reflection. Finally, make sure you publish the post (don't just save it).
English 12 (E block)
  • Complete a one-pager for the film Pleasantville. Use your handouts and organizer/brainstorming to pick a focus. Remember what we talked about in class. Remember: your one pager should be ONE FULL page...use paragraphs to help you organize. Include details, and analysis. Write about something interesting!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Homework: October 8

Honors English 11 (C block)
  • Read your independent reading book! 
  • Enjoy the lovely weather!
English 12 (E block)
  • Write a 3-paragraph response to Pleasantville. Use that bright pink sheet to guide you!
    • Summarize
    • Respond
    • Connect
Readers/Writers Workshop (F block)
  • If you need to spend more time on today's in class writing, do so!
English 11 (G block)
  • Prepare to write on Friday. Gather your texts, work on writing themes. Check back tomorrow for more information, model themes, and the mind map we developed in class.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Homework: October 7

English 12 (E block)
  • Read and mark up the personal essay I gave you in class today. Consider:
    • What is the essay about? (Topic)
    • How does the author develop the essay? (What moves does the writer make?)
Readers/Writers Workshop (F block)
  • Write one page in the perspective of a character in a story who doesn't get a voice! You wrote one today in class--for homework, you can either add to that story, or start a different one. Remember to keep in mind: What does the character want to tell everyone? What does his/her "voice" sound like?
English 11 (G block)
  • I know that instructions were a little unclear at the end of the block. If you're checking this blog, that's good!
  • Here's what I'm trying to have you spend some time working on today:
    • You've identified a motif (confinement, comfort, hero/adventure).
    • I asked you to write about that motif, to explore it.
    • Now, you'll want to work on developing an idea about what Alexie SAYS about that motif. 
      • So, if you're working with the motif of CONFINEMENT, you could ask: What does Alexie want us to understand about confinement? Think about who is confined, and where. How does this confinement matter?
English 11 (A block)
  • Here's what I'm trying to have you spend some time working on today:
    • You've identified a motif (confinement, comfort, hero/adventure).
    • I asked you to write about that motif, to explore it.
    • Now, you'll want to work on developing an idea about what Alexie SAYS about that motif. 
      • So, if you're working with the motif of CONFINEMENT, you could ask: What does Alexie want us to understand about confinement? Think about who is confined, and where. How does this confinement matter? 
      • Here are the notes, below, from class today. Try it out. Give it your full effort. We'll talk more about it on Thursday.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Homework: October 6

English 11 (G AND A block)

  • Study your vocabulary words! We'll have that quiz tomorrow.
  • If you didn't do so over the weekend, finish your Mind Map/chart for the words COMFORT, CONFINEMENT and HEROES/ADVENTURE. (Check the earlier post/images if you have questions.)
  • Write a 1-page freewrite (writing to explore/discover) in which you CHOOSE ONE of the three topics above, and write a full page exploring it. Use your mind map, make connections, and write about your ideas.
    • You should start with, "Sherman Alexie explores the idea of comfort/confinement/adventure/heroism. I noticed...   I wondered.... In this text (name), he talks about ..."
    • Write a full page. If you run out of things to say:
      • Keep pushing! Look for an example in a text you haven't explored yet...
      • Add specific details--go back and find quotations
      • Pick a different topic and write a little bit about that....
Honors English 11 (C block)
  • Wednesday in class, we'll write! Today, we practiced and explored some of the topics you've chosen. You should be prepared Wednesday to think and write. You should spend your time over the next couple of days:
    • Adding to your map
    • Talking with other folks--what are some things you might not have thought of? What specific details can you add to your collection of information? What are you still confused about that you might clarify?
  •  Bring all of your texts with you--that's copies of the poems/short stories/article, your True Diary book if you have one, and your Smoke Signals notes.
  • If you feel unsure about your understanding of Alexie's work, or your ability to write about his exploration of a motif, you should plan to stay with me after school on Tuesday.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Homework: October 3

Honors English 11 (C block)

  • Study those vocab words!
  • Complete your mind maps.
  • Read your independent reading book!
English 12 (E block)
  • Keep working on your personal essay. 
  • Read your independent book!
Readers/Writers Workshop (F block)
  • If I don't have your "Great Showdown" picture, finish it up for Tuesday!
  • If you didn't write a page about one of the things on your list that you like or dislike,, do it!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Homework: October 2

English 12 (E block)
  • Continue working on your personal essay.
  • You have a vocab quiz tomorrow! Study those words.
Readers/Writers Workshop 8 (F block)
  • Pick one of the topics on your list of things you love, or the list of things you don't love. Write one page in your journal about it. Describe it, talk about how you feel about it, write a little story about it...whatever you want! If you can't write a full page about that one topic, you can pick another topic from your list and write some more about it.
English 11 (G block AND A block)
  • Complete your mind map! There are pictures below to remind you of what you should be adding. and how you might go about doing so. Remember, this assignment is preparation for a writing assignment next week!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Homework: October 1

Readers/Writers Workshop 8 (F block)

  • Journal homework: Due tomorrow: Make a list of 40 things you love, OR, of 40 things you don't really love so much...
    • Note: :You can do this assignment on a separate sheet of paper (or in your journal), OR you can do it in Google classroom.
English 11 (G block)
  • Write a 1-page response to the film Smoke Signals. It doesn't have to be formal, and you don't have to establish a thesis statement. This is WRITING TO EXPLORE. Tackle some of the questions you had about the film, and try to come up with some thoughts/connections. You can write about your observations, questions and connections. You can use your notes and your 3-2-1 response from class. 
English 11 (A block)
  • Finish up the assignment: "Syria's civil war" article.
Honors English 11 (C block)
  • Start working on your mind map! Below, there's a picture of the requirements. Remember, I started one of my own to show you one way you might tackle this task. But you might have a different way of organizing your information. You should make sure that you've started this task by Friday, so we can check in. Remember, your goal is always to add more, to expand your thinking. It's unlikely that you'll ever be fully done.