English 11 (A and G blocks)
- Work on your portfolios. A block, yours is due THURSDAY at 7:30. G block, yours is due FRIDAY by noon.
- Prepare for your final exam. Here's the information on the exam:
- What is the power of the individual voice to make change?
- What roles do stories play in our lives?
- What is the story and who gets to tell it?
- How have stories made us who we are?
- How do the stories we tell and the language we use define who we are and how we think?
- To prepare for your final, revisit the major texts we’ve studied this year. They are:
- Sherman Alexie: True Diary (novel), Smoke Signals (film)
- Tim Burton: Big Fish (film)
- Tim O’Brien: The Things They Carried (novel)
- Sebastian Junger: Restrepo (film)
- Sarah Koenig: Serial (podcast)
- F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby (novel)
- Shakespeare: Twelfth Night (play)
- Additionally, make a list of independent reading books you read! Next, start thinking about those essential questions and those texts, as well as common themes/motifs we’ve studied this year. Really think through the messages these texts share, and the strategies they use to share those messages.
- In class, for your final, you will be asked to write an essay. I’m not going to give you the exact prompt ahead of time, but it is directly connected to the essential questions. You will use at least three class texts, and maybe even independent reading books, to answer the prompt. You’ll need to use specific details!
Honors English 11 (C block)
- Complete your portfolio.
- Complete your "This I Believe" essay and be ready to read it aloud Friday morning in class! Make sure you're on time...7:30!
Creative Writing II (F block)
- Work on your writing portfolio. You'll have time in class on Monday to finish it up.