Enjoy today! You won't see this date again for 4 years!
English 11 (A block)
- You worked today to revise/clarify your thesis statement, hoping to make it more specific and providing an argument that you could analyze.
- Tonight, you'll go through the texts to find new, more specific, better evidence to support your new and improved thesis. Make yourself a chart or organizer and write down the evidence that might support your new idea.
- Make sure to study for your vocabulary quiz tomorrow!
Honors English 11 (B block)
- Finish reading and mapping out chapter 9.
- Study for your vocabulary quiz--it's tomorrow!
English 12 (D block)
- Start studying your vocabulary--the quiz is Monday.
- Read the quotations from Frankenstein on the sheet I gave you in class today. On the lines on the back, write a reflection in which you make OBSERVATIONS, QUESTIONS and CONNECTIONS about the quotations.