"Adjectives on the typewriter...he moves his words like a prizefighter..." --Cake

Monday, February 29, 2016

Homework: February 29

Enjoy today! You won't see this date again for 4 years!

English 11 (A block)

  • You worked today to revise/clarify your thesis statement, hoping to make it more specific and providing an argument that you could analyze. 
  • Tonight, you'll go through the texts to find new, more specific, better evidence to support your new and improved thesis. Make yourself a chart or organizer and write down the evidence that might support your new idea. 
  • Make sure to study for your vocabulary quiz tomorrow!

Honors English 11 (B block)
  • Finish reading and mapping out chapter 9.
  • Study for your vocabulary quiz--it's tomorrow!
English 12 (D block)
  • Start studying your vocabulary--the quiz is Monday.
  • Read the quotations from Frankenstein on the sheet I gave you in class today. On the lines on the back, write a reflection in which you make OBSERVATIONS, QUESTIONS and CONNECTIONS about the quotations. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Homework: February 26

English 12 (D block)
  • Read the essay "Meet Mary Shelley" and the Introduction to Frankenstein in the packet I gave you today. Mark it up, noting the most important information to know about each topic.
Honors English 11 (F block)
  • Finish reading chapter 9, making sure to complete the map and the handout as well.
  • Study your vocabulary!
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • We'll continue our discussion of Frankenstein Tuesday, focusing on these two "concepts"--
    • (If you weren't in class today, find some evidence from the story so far that supports each side.)
  • Here's the reading schedule--make sure you've read the following for the following days:
    • March 1--ch. 15
    • March 3--ch. 16-17
    • March 7--ch. 18-19
    • March 9--ch. 20-21
    • March 10--ch. 22-23
    • March 11--finish!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Homework: February 25

Honors English 11 (B and F block)

  • Read to page 126 of Strength in What Remains, and complete the front side of the Guide for reading chapter 9 (including making notes on the map). If you weren't in class today, come by to get the handouts!
Honors English 12 (G block)

  • Read chapters 13 and 14, continuing to follow the story of the Creation's life and experience with the cottagers.
  • You have a vocabulary quiz/weekly check in tomorrow--be ready for it!
English 11 (A block)
  • Write out thoughtful and detailed revision notes for your essay. Many of you noticed things you'd like to change--things like finding new evidence, developing clearer topic statements, clarifying your reasoning. Write a narrative or a series of bullet points so that you have a plan. We'll check your plan next class.
  • Remember, you have a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday next week, so start studying!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Homework: February 24

Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Read chapters 11 and 12 of Frankenstein--keep an eye out on:
    • what's he [the creature] been up to
    • child development milestones
    • language acquisition
    • moral and world view development
English 11 (A block)
  • Complete the handout on Serial.
  • You can listen to the episode again if you click here.
Honors English 11 (B block)
  • Read chapter 8 in Strength in What Remains.
English 12 (D block)
  • You have a quiz on Friday, and we'll finish presenting mind maps, too.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Homework: February 23

Honors English 11 (B block)

  • Complete the Motif development handout and write the paragraph.
  • Make sure you've read and have taken careful notes on chapters 1-7 of Strength in What Remains.
English 12 (D block)
  • You should complete your short stories mind map. Be ready to share it under the projector during class tomorrow.
  • Make sure you're studying for your vocabulary quiz--it's Friday!
Honors English 11 (F block)
  • Read chapter 8 of Strength in What Remains. Take notes in 3 columns: IMAGES, WORDS/PHRASES/SENTENCES, and QUESTIONS/CONNECTIONS.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Homework: February 22

English 12 (D block)

  • Work on your Mind Map project.
    • You'll have time to work in class tomorrow, and you'll have homework time tomorrow night.
    • You'll present your mind map, under the projector, on Wednesday.
  • Study your vocabulary--weekly check-in quiz is Friday.
Honors English 11 (F block)

  • Make sure you've read and taken notes on Strength in What Remains chapters 1-7. (See previous post for more specific information.)
  • Complete the Motif Writing task handout, including the paragraph. 
Honors English 11 (G block)

  • Make sure you've carefully read and annotated through chapter 10 of Frankenstein.  
  • Study your vocabulary--weekly check-in quiz is Friday.
English 11 (A block)
  • Make flashcards and fill out the yellow vocabulary handout. Start studying for your quiz--it'll be next week! 

Audiobook versions of Frankenstein, for your listening pleasure

Here are links to a couple of audio versions of Frankenstein (remember, it's the 1831 version).

One on Librivox, here.

One on YouTube, here.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Homework: February 12

**Have a great vacation, everyone!**

Honors English 11 (B and F block)

  • Make sure that by the time you return from break, you have read, in Strength in What Remains:
    • Chapters 1-4: (take Cornell notes for Chapters 2-4)
    • Chapter 5-7: Complete a double-entry notebook, where you choose 4 moments or quotations from each chapter, write them on the left, and respond to their significance on the right.
Honors English 12 (G block)

  • For MONDAY, be prepared for book club (complete the Literature Circles handout.)
  • For WEDNESDAY, make sure you've finished reading and marking up Frankenstein, chapters 6-10. Now that the creature exists (and Victor has essentially set him loose), what's going to happen next? What are the consequences of "ignoring" our problems?
English 11 (A block)

  • Complete the handout for Serial, examining the denotation and connotation of the words. A reminder:
    • DENOTATION is the definition of a word as it's given in the dictionary. (Ex. the sun is, according to vocabulary.com, "

the star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system

    • CONNOTATION is the way the word makes us feel--it's the emotional response/connection the word gives. (Ex. for many people, the idea of the sun brings cheerfulness and happiness--that's the emotional response/connection).

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Homework: February 11

English 11 (A block)

  • Study for your vocabulary test!
Honors English 11 (B block)
  • Finish reading and taking notes on Chapter 3 of Strength in What Remains, and study for your vocabulary quiz.
English 12 (D block)
  • Complete a thorough and careful revision of your paragraph draft. Additionally, pick another question and write a thoughtful, detailed paragraph, keeping in mind what we worked on today in class.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Homework: February 10

English 12 (D block)

  • Choose ONE of the questions from the "Recitatif" handout, and, using your detailed notes and pre-writing, write a thoughtful, detailed paragraph in which you start with a CLAIM that analytically responds to the question, then supports the claim with evidence and reasoning. I will use the document camera to review these with you in class tomorrow.
Honors English 11 (F block)
  • Read chapter 4 of Strength, and complete Cornell notes.
  • Study for your quiz!
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • For Friday, read Frankenstein chapter 4 & 5. Mark it up carefully!
  • Current book clubs will hold final meetings on February 22 (the day we return from break).
  • For Wednesday after break (2/24), read through chapter 10 of Frankenstein.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Homework: February 9

Honors English 11 (B block)

  • Read chapter 2 of Strength in What Remains and take Cornell notes (just step one, the "big" section of the page). We'll talk about how to finish them up next class.
  • Make sure you're studying for your Day 2 quiz--it's Friday.
English 12 (D block)
  • You have a quiz tomorrow--be ready for it!
  • Pick and complete pre-writing for THREE of the questions on the handout, as we discussed in class. Remember, I expect your notes to be thorough. We'll write the paragraphs next class.
Honors English 11 (F block)
  • Finish reading chapters 2 and 3 of Strength, and complete Cornell notes.
  • Make sure you're studying for your Day 2 quiz--it's Friday.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Homework: February 4

English 12 (D block)

Read "Recitatif" to the break on page 219. Remember to keep in mind the focus question that you wrote on the first page of the story.

H. English 11 (F block)

For Tuesday, read chapters 2 and three in Strength in What Remains. Take Cornell notes.

H. English 11 (G block)
Read and mark up chapters 1 through three of Frankenstein.

English 11 (A block)
Make vocabulary flashcards, and fill in the vocabulary sheet with notes and sentences.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Homework: February 3

Honors English 11 (B and F blocks)

  • Read Chapter 1 of Strength in What Remains carefully, and be ready to discuss it in detail next class.
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Read the introductory packet and Letters 1-4 of Frankenstein. Make notes in the margins.
English 11 (A block)
  • Make a list in your journal of ways that the stories told in The Things They Carried and Restrepo are similar, and ways they are different. Try to have at least 5 on each list.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Homework: February 2

English 11 (A block)
  • Finish your 3-2-1 response to Restrepo
    • Pick and describe 3 important moments or images from the film.
    • Identify 2 motifs and explain them.
    • Write 1 discussion question.
  • You have a vocabulary quiz tomorrow--study for it!
Honors English 11 (B block)
  • Finish and PRINT your final version of your Lit. Crit. essay response.
  • Make sure you're ready for your vocabulary quiz--it's tomorrow!
English 12 (D block)
  • Complete the full handout for "Hell-Heaven." 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Homework: February 1

English 12 (D block)

  • Complete a 2-paragraph response to "Hell-Heaven"
    • First, SUMMARIZE the story.
    • Then, RESPOND to it, using prompts like "I notice..." "I think..." "I wonder..."
Honors English 11 (F block)
  • You have a vocabulary quiz and an essay (literary criticism response) due on Wednesday. Make sure you're ready for both!
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Presentations will take place on Wednesday.
  • Read and mark up the "Meet Mary Shelley" packet and Letters 1-4 of Frankenstein for Thursday.