"Adjectives on the typewriter...he moves his words like a prizefighter..." --Cake

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Homework: May 31

Blocks B and F: we started watching Restrepo in class today. You can find the film here...watch the first 30 minutes if you weren't here!

Honors English 11 (F block)
  • Start reading the article I gave you in class today--mark up the big claims and ideas, especially as they relate to our current work with The Things They Carried/Big Fish/Restrepo as well as to our larger course essential questions.
  • Study your vocabulary--use vocabulary.com to look up the words. Check in on Thursday if you have any questions.
English 11 (A block)
  • Spend 15-20 minutes working on your essay. Right now, you'll be in the planning/information-gathering stage. You might: make an organizer, review the Foster article and the Green video, take notes about your opinion and find some evidence to support, etc. You must be able to show your work--no "mental notes"! :)
  • Study your vocabulary--use vocabulary.com to look up the words. Check in on Thursday if you have any questions.

Honors English 11 (B block)
  • Study your vocabulary--use vocabulary.com to look up the words. Check in on Thursday if you have any questions.
  • You'll have an article to read, due early next week--if you want to get a head-start on it, come grab a copy of it.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Homework: May 27

Hope you all had a great time at Six Flags! Check earlier posts for the homework that's due on Tuesday.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Homework: May 26

Honors English 11 (B block)

  • Finish reading "The Lives of the Dead."
  • Complete the response for the story (prompt below).
  • Complete the "discussion prep" handout ("the strongest, the bravest, etc.)
Honors English 11 (F block)
  • Complete the motif handout for The Things They Carried.

Homework: May 25

Honors English 11 (F block)
  • Complete the "Book review/Discussion Prep" handout.
English 11 (A block)
  • Read the critical essay "A Whole Heap of Ashes." Remember, once you get to the part we marked at the end of the summary/overview, you should be looking for the CLAIMS the author makes, as well as the evidence he uses to support his claims.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Homework: May 24

English 11 (A block)
Read the "Whole Heap of Ashes" article, up to the point we marked today in class.

Honors English 11 (B block)
Mark up the passage you received in class today, and read the story "Noght Life."

Monday, May 23, 2016

Homework: May 23

Honors English 11 (F block)

  • Finish reading the story "The Lives of the Dead."
    • Consider, What is the purpose of this story?
    • Why is this the last in the novel?

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Homework: May 20

Honors English 11 (F block)

  • Take a few minutes to read the short story ("Night Life") after "The Ghost Soldiers." We'll finish the book next week!
English 11 (A block)
  • Study your vocabulary--you have a quiz on Tuesday.
Honors English 11 (B block)
  • Make sure you've read the story "The Ghost Soldiers"--we'll talk about it in class on Tuesday.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Homework: May 19

English 11 (A block)
Read and mark up the article you received in class. Remember to identify the author's claims, evidence and reasoning!

Honors English 11 (B block)
For Tuesday, read "The Ghost Soldiers."

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Homework: May 18

Honors English 11 (F block)

  • Finish reading "The Ghost Soldiers."
  • Study for your vocab test!
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • FINALS! It's tomorrow!
English 11 (A block)
  • Study your vocabulary and read your independent reading book!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Homework: May 16

Honors English 11 (F block)

  • Complete the "In the Field" response.
  • Read "Good Form" and "Field Trip."
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Prep for book club--it's Wednesday!
  • Work on your final assignments--check earlier posts for clarification.
English 11 (A block)
  • Read your independent reading book!
Honors English 11 (B block)
  • Complete the "In the Field" response.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Homework: FRIDAY MAY 13

Honors English 12 (G block)

  • Work on all the stuff. (See earlier post for the list.)

English 11 (A block)

  • Make sure you've carefully read and annotated the "Rucker Park" article. Complete the reader response assignment that you received in class today.

Honors English 11 (B block)

  • Read your IR book, and study your vocabulary.

English 12 (D block)

  • Work on all the stuff! (See earlier post for the list.)
  • (Here's the video I showed in class today, because it's adorable.)

The Present from Jacob Frey on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Homework: May 12

Honors English 11 (B block)

  • Read through the story "Notes" in The Things They Carried.
  • Write your RR for the big question "How does war affect people (and how does O'Brien show the effects)?"--the slide with instructions came to you via Remind, or you can view it in yesterday's post (or the sidebar to the left).
English 12 (D block)
  • You're studying your vocabulary, and working on your final writing assignments. See yesterday's post for more specific detail.
Honors English 11 (F block)
  • Read "In the Field" and be ready to discuss it next class.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Homework: May 11

English 11 (D block)

  • You're working on all the things that you need to complete before the end of the year!
    • Final vocabulary test: May 17
    • "Stranger in the Photo" essay: due, in class and ready to be shared, May 23
    • Final reflection: Due, uploaded to Turnitin.com, by the time you arrive to class on May 23.

Honors English 11 (F block)

  • You're writing your "exploration" of the question "How does war affect people?"
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • You're working on all the things that are listed in yesterday's email. Study hard!
English 11 (A block)
  • Finish reading the story "20 Minutes at Rucker Park" and annotate it. Check the post from May 10 for specific instructions.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Homework: May 10

Honors English 11 (B and F block)
  • "Speaking of Courage" tells the story of Norman Bowker, who returns home after the war and found that he had "no place in particular to go." As you read the story, pay attention to the very broad question we've been looking at: "How does war affect people?" Make sure you read at least 1/2 of it tonight--you'll have time to finish in class tomorrow. 
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • These are the things you should be working on: 
    • Studying vocabulary for your final test--5/16
    • Finishing your book club book for your final book club meeting--5/18
    • Writing your "Stranger in the Photo" essay--5/19
    • Writing your "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" response--5/19
English 11 (A block)
  • By FRIDAY, you should have carefully read and marked up the article "20 Minutes at Rucker Park." Keep in mind the following instructions:

Monday, May 9, 2016

Homework: May 9

English 11 (A block)
  • You have a weekly check-in/vocabulary quiz tomorrow--make sure you study!
  • Start reading/marking up the article you received in class today, "20 Minutes at Rucker Park." Remember, we'll have a discussion in which we compare the article, thematically and stylistically, with The Great Gatsby. We watched a brief video about Rucker Park today in class to help set the context--here it is if you were absent, or want to watch it again:
Honors English 11 (B block)
  • Study for your quiz--it's tomorrow!
  • Complete the handout you received in class; for the part on the back, choose a passage from "Ambush."
  • We watched the first 22:30 of this video, an interview with Tim O'Brien which includes a reading of "Ambush." If you weren't here, or you want to revisit it, you can find it here:

English 12 (D block)

  • Finish your Frankenstein and Room/Juno comparison--it's due Wednesday. Be sure to bring a printed copy that has your title, your name, and the two texts listed at the bottom, like the model text does.\
  • Work on your "Stranger in the Photo" essay.
  • Make sure you're studying your vocabulary--we'll have the final test on all our words on May 17th.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Homework: May 6

English 12 (D block)
  • Work on your Frankenstein and Juno/Room essay. We'll have lab time on Monday, and it'll be due on Wednesday.
  • Work on your "Stranger in the Photo" essay--that's due on the 23rd.
  • Study your vocabulary! We'll have the final vocabulary test on the 17th.
Honors English 11 (F block)
  • Study your vocabulary.
  • Read "Ambush" and "Style."
  • Take the SATs and do a good job.
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Revise and edit your essay, for a final draft due on TUESDAY. Upload it to turnitin.com
  • Other important dates: 
    • May 16th--final vocabulary test, and computer lab time
    • May 18th--Hamlet wrap up, and final book club meeting
    • May 19th--our final exam block:
      • "Stranger in the Photo" essay should be printed and with you. Bring in your favorite childhood food to share! :)
      • Your "Where are you going, where have you been?" reflection should be uploaded to Turnitin.com by midnight that night. (Not, as it says on the handout, by the time you arrive to class.)

Comparative book review examples, for D block

Hello, folks!

You are writing a "comparative review" of Frankenstein and either Juno or Room. You're using some New York Times book reviews as model for the kind of writing you're doing. You have the one we examined in class, but in case you're looking for a few more examples, here you go!

A review of two books that both take place in apple orchards!

This review of two books about creativity and invention.

And, a review of two books about the international drug trade.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Homework: May 5

Honors English 11 (F block and B block)
  • Complete the multiple choice questions in the packet I provided in class today.
  • Study your vocabulary!
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Your full, polished essay draft is due tomorrow--FINALLY. Get it done, and bring it in!
English 11 (A block)
  • Complete opinionnaire for Gatsby!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Homework: May 4

Honors English 12 (G block)

  • Work on your essay! It's due Friday.
English 11 (A block)
  • Write vocab sentences and start studying for your quiz--it's next Tuesday.
  • Give the end of Gatsby a look-over. We'll finish reading it in class tomorrow.
Honors English 11 (B block)
  • Read and mark up the passage you received in class today. Keep the question "How does war affect people?" in mind. Figure out which story ("True War Story" or "Sweetheart") the passage is from, and find a passage from the other story that relates to it for some reason (character behavior, motif, imagery/language). Jot down the page number, the first few and last few words of your passage, and your reason for making the connection.
  • Additonally, you have a few little tasks to take care of:
    • Upload your Strength in What Remains/The Arrival essay to Turnitin.com
    • Read all the "little" stories up to "The Man I Killed" that you haven't yet read.
English 12 (D block)
  • Work on your Frankenstein and Juno/Room essay.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Homework: May 3

Honors English 11(b block): finish your response to "How to Tell a True War Story," and read "Sweetheart of the Song Tra bong."

English 12: read the model essay you received today in class, marking up what it says and how it says it. Pay attention to the structure.

Honors English 11 F block: mark up the passage that you received in class today, noting significant language. Then find another passage, from the other story, that connects to your passage and note how/why. Read any of the very short stories that you haven't yet read, through the story "Church."

Monday, May 2, 2016

Homework: May 2

English 12 (D block)

  • Prep for the seminar: 
Honors English 11 (F block)
  • See last post for information.
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Work on your essay!
English 11 (A block)
  • Read and mark up to the end of page 186--figure out what happens next!