"Adjectives on the typewriter...he moves his words like a prizefighter..." --Cake

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Homework: December 20


English 11 (C block)

  • Read your IR book!
  • If you need to get caught up on any work, do it.
Honors English 11 (D block)
  • Read your IR book!
F and G block classes--you will have your quiz next time we have class. That's over a week and a half of extra studying time!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Homework: December 21

English 11 (F block)
  • Study your vocabulary and read your IR book!
  • Make sure you have carefully read and marked up "On the Rainy River."
Honors English 11 (G block)
  • Study vocabulary and read your IR book!
  • Also, write up a response: What was Tim O’Brien’s PURPOSE for putting the stories in the order he did? Would you rearrange them? If so, how and why? If not, why not?
Honors English 12 (A block)
  • Finish up your revision of your Room comparative review. Make sure you use the mentor texts to help you as you revise.
  • Make sure you TURN IN in Classroom, and also submit to TURN IT IN. You received a Remind text with the login info; if you don't have it, check the sidebar of this blog.
  • Watch a Coming of Age movie. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Homework: December 20

Honors English 11 (G block)

  • Complete the handout for "In the Field"--you DON'T have to write the paragraph, though. Just do the chart and the continuum--make sure you write your reasons for including what you do on the continuum (you can use the back side of the handout for that).
  • Study vocabulary--quiz is Friday!
Honors English 12 (A block)
  • Work on your Comparison Review essay revision. Reminder: A revision is REQUIRED. You can't just hand in the same essay.
English 11 (C block)
  • Complete the "pencil/eraser" organizer in preparation for your quiz on Friday. 
  • Study your vocabulary.
Honors English 11 (D block)
  • Study vocabulary and read your IR book!
  • Also, write up a response: What was Tim O’Brien’s PURPOSE for putting the stories in the order he did? Would you rearrange them? If so, how and why? If not, why not?

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Homework: December 19

English 11 (C block)

  • Complete the "pie chart" activity for the story "The Things They Carried."
  • Make sure you're studying for your quiz--it's Friday!
Honors English 11 (D block)
  • Finish reading the story "In the Field" and complete the handout (you don't have to write the paragraph!).
  • Make sure you're studying for your quiz--it's Friday!
English 11 (F block)
  • Read "On the Rainy River" to the break on page 4. Make sure you make careful notes and are ready to discuss on Thursday.
  • Study vocabulary--quiz is Friday!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Homework: December 18

Honors English 11 (D and G blocks)

  • Read "Notes" in The Things They Carried.
  • Write a 10-minute freewrite, in which you:
    • respond to the story
    • connect to “Speaking of Courage”
    • and consider what that last couple of lines of the story means.
English 11 (F block)
  • Complete the "pie chart" handout for "The Things They Carried."
Honors English 12 (A block)
  • Work on your essay revision. Remember, you should be able to show some work on this essay draft between now and Wednesday, either in revision history on Google, or some handwritten work on a draft, maybe?
  • Study vocabulary--you have a quiz Wednesday!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Homework: December 15

English 11 (F block)

  • Read and CAREFULLY MARK UP the story "The Things They Carried" to the break on page 23.
Honors English 11 (G block)
  • Finish reading "Speaking of Courage"--be ready to discuss on Monday.
Honors English 12 (A block)
  • Take 10 minutes or so to add to your Moonrise Kingdom response, connecting to today's conversation. If you typed your response, you can upload it to Classroom. If you handwrote it, bring it with you on Monday. Also, study your vocabulary!
English 11 (C block)
  • Finish reading "The Things They Carried"--CAREFULLY MARK IT UP.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Homework: December 14

Honors English 12 (A block)

  • Do a 15-minute freewrite in which you examine some of the big ideas from Moonrise Kingdom, and make some connections between it and "The Body"/Stand by Me. We'll do some discussion tomorrow about all three texts.
English 11 (C block)
  • Complete a response to "The Things They Carried"--the part we read in class today. You should write 3 observations, 2 questions, and 1 opinion.
Honors English 11 (D block)
  • Finish reading "Speaking of Courage" in The Things They Carried.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Homework: December 13

English 11 (C block)

  • If you're missing any assignments, NOW'S the time to finish them up!
Honors English 11 (D block)

  • Make sure you've finished watching the Tim O'Brien/Nate Fick interview and have taken some notes. We'll talk about it next class. The link is in Monday's post.
English 11 (F block)

  • We started reading "The Things They Carried" today in class. Go back and mark up the text (what we read so far) and write down 3 observations, 2 questions, and 1 opinion on the sticky note or a separate sheet of paper.

Honors English 11 (G block)
  • Finish watching the Tim O'Brien/Nate Fick interview and take some notes. We'll talk about it next class. Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbT-WlNgLr4 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Homework: December 11

Honors English 11 (G block)

  • Complete the double-entry response for "The Man I Killed" (on the left-hand side of the page, pick 2 quotations that use REPETITION and 2 quotations that use IMAGERY, and on the right, for each quotation, analyze the purpose and significance.
Honors English 12 (A block)
  • Prepare for a conversation tomorrow about the adaptation of The Body to the film Stand by Me. We'll talk about similarities and differences, and we'll look at the purpose. We might want to discuss characterization, tone, theme, etc.
English 11 (C block)
  • You should have already revised your "The Things I Carry" essay--adding VOICE and DETAIL.
  • You should make sure you've revised your Alexie essay INTRODUCTION and ONE BODY PARAGRAPH. Remember that you have mentor texts for both.
Honors English 11 (D block)
  • Finish watching the Nate Fick/Tim O'Brien interview, and take some notes. The link is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbT-WlNgLr4
    • You may not agree with everything O'Brien says. We'll discuss in class!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Homework: December 8

English 11 (C block)

  • Work on your writing revisions. 
  • "The Things I Carry" due Monday at the end of class.
  • Alexie essay revision due Wednesday.
Honors English 11 (D block)
  • Think about something that you only have a surface-level understanding of. Then, investigate it and learn what's under the surface...
English 11 (F block)
  • Work on your Alexie revision. It's due Tuesday!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Homework: December 7

Honors English 11 (D block)

  • Write your response to today's MOTIF discussions. You can do it in Classroom--it's posted there--or on a separate sheet of paper. 
    • INSTRUCTIONS: Write a 500-word (15-20 minutes) reaction to any topics brought up in today's discussion. You might summarize key ideas, expand on some of the ideas that came up, or write about something else that today's conversation made you think of. This writing is EXPLORATORY: You don't need to have a claim--write to figure out big ideas. You can write about any (and/or all) of the motifs: embarrassment, pain, fear, friendship.
English 11 (F block)
  • Work on REVISION!
  • Due tomorrow at the end of class: revision of "The Things I Carry." Make sure you consider VOICE and DETAIL.
  • Due Tuesday: Revision of the introduction and one paragraph of your Alexie essay. 
Honors English 11 (G block)
  • Read "Stockings" and "Church." If you're behind on any of the stories, catch up!
Honors English 12 (A block)
  • Prepare for your vocabulary quiz by studying the words and by CAREFULLY reading and marking up "The Mythic Journey in 'The Body.'"

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Homework: December 6

Happy half day!

Honors English 12 (A block)

  • You have a vocabulary quiz on MONDAY.
  • Additionally, you need to read "The Mythic Journey in The Body" and mark it up. You will need to write about it in detail on Monday's quiz.
English 11 (C block)
  • Work on revising your personal essay "The Things I Carry." Final draft is due MONDAY, and you should make revisions to add VOICE and DETAIL.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Homework: December 5

English 11 (C block)

  • Prepare for your quiz tomorrow. 
  • Start revising your "The Things I Carry" essay. Use the mentor texts--the narrative and poem version--to help you consider DETAIL and VOICE.
Honors English 11 (D block)
  • Read "Stockings" and "Church."
English 11 (F block)
  • Start revising your "The Things I Carry" essay. Use the mentor texts--the narrative and poem version--to help you consider DETAIL and VOICE.
Honors English 11 (G block)
  • Finish reading "The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong." 
  • Write an informal 1-2 paragraph response (10 minutes) exploring the ways your motif is relevant in the chapter. Name specific moments, and be ready to discuss on Thursday

Monday, December 4, 2017

Homework: December 4

English 11 (F block)

  • If you need to finish up your paragraph from today's class, do so! It's in Classroom.
  • Study vocabulary--you have a quiz tomorrow.
Honors English 11 (G block)
  • Read "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong" in The Things They Carried to the end of page 103. Make sure you're keeping an eye out for your motif--mark up the text with sticky notes!
  • Study vocabulary--you have a quiz!
Honors English 12 (A block)
  • Complete your reflection for the presentations. The prompts are posted below, and they're also in Classroom if you want to submit your work there.
  • Read "The Mythic Journey in The Body" by Monday of next week.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Homework: December 1

Honors English 11 (G block)
  • Read "The Dentist" in The Things They Carried.
  • Read your IR book and study your vocabulary!
Honors English 12 (A block)
  • We'll take on our last presentations on Monday. Then, get ready for some revision!
English 11 (C block)
  • Read your IR book and study your vocabulary.
Honors English 11 (D block)
  • Finish reading “Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong” and write a 1-2 paragraph response (10 minutes) exploring the ways your motif is relevant in the chapter. Name specific moments, and be ready to discuss on Tuesday!
  • Study for your quiz!