"Adjectives on the typewriter...he moves his words like a prizefighter..." --Cake

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Homework: September 27

Honors English 11 (F block)

  • Read your IR book (15-20 pages sounds about right). Write 2-4 sticky notes that identify writer’s MOVES and your thoughts on WHY the writer made that move. Consider PERSPECTIVE and how it’s developed. 
  • Proofread/edit your multiple perspectives poem/story using the criteria developed in class (unsubmit then resubmit in Classroom--the criteria are posted in a Classroom announcement).

English 12 (G block)
  • Read your independent reading book. Write 2-4 sticky notes.
  • Work on your vignette--use Criteria checklist and upload to Classroom by tomorrow.

English 11 (A block)

  • Read your independent reading book for 15 minutes. Write 2-4 sticky notes. 
  • Work on your perspectives writing--pick a piece of artwork and fill out the graphic organizer with notes. (Assignment and links are in Classroom.)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Homework: September 12

Honors English 11 (F block)

  • Complete the vignette reflection in Classroom. If you haven't finished your vignette, finish that first!
  • Read your IR book for 15 minutes. You should be making good progress through that book!
English 12 (G block)
  • Read your independent reading book for 10-15 minutes, and prepare for the practice quiz tomorrow.
English 11 (A block)

  • Read your independent reading book for 15 minutes.
  • Using sticky notes, mark 3 key moves the writer makes in the text. Write your reason for choosing each.
Honors English 11 (C block)
  • Read your IR book for 15 minutes. 
  • As you read, keep an eye out for “moves” the author is making in your text, including: repetition, purposeful structure/intentional paragraphing, and unconventional but purposeful phrasing. Write at least 3 sticky notes that include the writer’s MOVE and your thoughts on WHY the writer made that move.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Homework: September 5

English 12 (G block)

  • Today you wrote in your writer's notebook to the prompt story "This Is How I Remember It." Tonight, spend another 10 minutes freewriting--you can continue the story you started in class today, or start a different topic. Use your yellow sheet for ideas. If you finish before 10 minutes is up, pick another topic and keep going!
  • And, read your independent reading book!
English 11 (A block)

  • You’ve been writing in your writer’s notebook, and you have fodder for a vignette. Continue to work on your writing that you started in class today--spend 10-15 minutes. 
  • And, read your independent reading book! 
Honors English 11 (C block)

  • Read your IR book for 10 minutes. And, continue working on your vignette--spend 10-15 minutes drafting, organizing, etc.
Creative Writing (D block)
  • You started your writing exercise in class today (it's posted in Classroom). Spend 15 minutes drafting, organizing, and/or editing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Homework: September 4

Honors English 11 (C and F block)

  • Read your IR book for 10 minutes. 
  • And, do some drafting...pick one of the moments from your A-Z, and spent 10 minutes freewriting (do this in your journal). Run out of things to say? Pick another topic and start again!
Creative Writing (D block)

  • SAW/DID/HEARD/DRAW in your composition book
  • Read your independent reading book,
  • Start drafting your writing exercise assignment--writing from detail. Spend about 10 minutes just writing in your writer's notebook--about details you've observed in your day-to-day, maybe? Or go back to your "cars" freewrite.