"Adjectives on the typewriter...he moves his words like a prizefighter..." --Cake

Friday, December 2, 2016

Homework: December 2

Creative Writing (E block)

  • If you need to get a workshop piece to me, please do so ASAP. Please send an email to let me know which one (if it's in Classroom), or email me a link.
  • Start writing/planning your own, personal version of the "Harper's Index." Remember, you'll think of aspects of your life that are quantifiable by numbers, and you'll create a list that comprises a snapshot of you. Mine might include the following details:
    • Percent chance that I want to buy new pens: 100%
    • Approximate number of pens that I currently own: 146
    • Average number of times per week that my dog escapes her pen at day care and eats cat food: 1
    • Distance to my job and back: 110 miles
    • Number of miles added to my trip to stop at Target on the way home: 2
    • Approximate amount of money spent when I stop at Target, even when I'm stopping just for one thing: $50
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Write a one-pager for Moonrise Kingdom. Remember, it can (but doesn't need to) connect to The Body, and it can (but doesn't need to) refer to one or both of the reviews I gave you today in class.
  • Figure out what you want to read next! We'll finalize book club choices next week.
  • Finally, I forgot to show you the film parody that I promised at the beginning of the block. That happens a lot... Anyway, I'll show it to you on Monday, but if you just can't wait, check it out here:

English 11 (A block)
  • Continue to work on your essay revisions. Final essays are due WEDNESDAY by 7PM. Remember that revision is a significant portion of your grade, so make sure you revise!

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