"Adjectives on the typewriter...he moves his words like a prizefighter..." --Cake

Friday, January 29, 2016

Homework: January 29

English 11 (A block)
Write 2 paragraphs about Restrepo--pick one prompt from the Summarizing section and one prompt from the Making Connections section of your Core Skills handout.

Honors English 11 (B and F block)
• write a 3-paragraph response to the "20 Minutes at Rucker Park" article (summarize, respond, connect)
• you have a vocab quiz and your final lit crit draft due Wednesday.

English 12 (D block)
Your final draft of your Biddle article response is due Monday.

Honors English 12 (G block)
You have a vocab quiz Monday. You'll have some time to prepare your presentations, and then you'll present Wednesday. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Homework: January 27

Honors English 12 (G block)
  • You should do some preparation for your group project. 
English 11 (A block)
  • Make flashcards for the new vocabulary words and fill out the yellow sheet with sentences and notes.
Honors English 11 (B block)
  • You have a vocab quiz and an essay due on Wednesday next week--work on both of them!
English 12 (D block)
  • You have a vocabulary quiz on Friday, and your essay revision is due Monday.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

HHS Program of Studies

Here's a link to the HHS program of studies--check out course descriptions here. (It's at the bottom.)

Homework: January 26

Honors English 11 (B block)

  • Start revising your first paragraph draft. Additionally, complete a draft of the second paragraph--the "I Say" paragraph.
  • Start studying for your vocabulary test. It will be next WEDNESDAY.
English 12 (D block)
  • FRIDAY: You have a vocabulary quiz on Friday, on words 46-50.
  • MONDAY: Due=final draft of your "They Say/I Say" essay--it should be 2-3 paragraphs, TYPED.
Honors English 11 (F block)

  • Start revising your first paragraph draft. Additionally, complete a draft of the second paragraph--the "I Say" paragraph.
  • Start studying for your vocabulary test. It will be next WEDNESDAY.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Homework: January 19

Honors English 11 (B and F block)

  • Write your Midyear reflection--it needs to be uploaded to Turnitin.com by the time you arrive for your exam block. Information for Turnitin.com, if you're not already enrolled, is in the sidebar to the left.
  • You'll write a midyear in-class essay--see the handout for details. 
  • By Tuesday, January 26, complete Paragraph 1 of the Gatsby synthesis essay assignment. 
English 11 (A block)
  • Work on your Midyear reflection. It's due Friday, before A block begins.
  • Tomorrow in class, we'll review the in-class essay you'll write for the exam block. We'll also go over the code to sign up for Turnitin.com
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Make sure you're reading your book club book and working on your Midyear reflection.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Homework: January 15

English 11 (A block)

  • Study for your vocabulary test! It's Tuesday. You'll be getting a whole bunch of reminders, as you requested.
  • Start working on your Midyear reflection.
Honors English 11 (B block)

  • Study for your vocabulary test! It's Tuesday. 
  • Start working on your Midyear reflection.
English 12 (D block)
  • Your Midyear exam block is Wednesday, January 20. Here's what you need to do:
    • Complete your Midyear reflection and upload it to Turnitin.com by 7:30 A.M. on Wednesday. I texted you a code through Remind, and it's also in the Remind box to the left of this post. Email me if you have questions.
    • Be ready to do some in class writing. Bring your binder with you.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Homework: January 14

English 12 (D block)

  • Write a one pager for Moonrise Kingdom/Stand by Me/"The Body." Remember, you might write about characters and their connections, common motifs, or other aspects of the film that you want to figure out.
Honors English 11 (F block)
  • If you haven't finished organizing your information from the literary critics (see the slide posted earlier--you should have 5 categories completed), do so.
  • Study your vocab.
  • Work on your Midyear Reflection.
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Read the "Recitatif" lit. crit. article.
  • Work on your Midyear Reflection.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Homework: January 13

Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Read your book club book--be ready for a halfway check in next Wednesday (the 20th).
  • Work on your Midyear Reflection.
  • Catch up on reading any of the short story(ies) you haven't fully read and analyzed.
English 11 (A block)
  • Finish reading and marking up "The Lives of the Dead" and consider the question: Why is this story the last one in the book?
  • Make sure you're studying for your vocabulary test--it's Tuesday! It covers all 50 of our words so far!
Honors English 11 (B block)
  • Start working on your Gatsby lit. crit. organizer. Here's the information you need:

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Homework: January 12

Honors English 11 (B block)

  • Finish reading the Miller and Birkerts essays in the packet of literary criticism, identifying the CLAIMS and the EVIDENCE presented.
  • You have a test on the first 50 vocabulary words--it will be matching. Make sure you're studying.
English 12 (D block)
  • Here's ALL of the upcoming dates you need to know:
    • Wednesday, January 21: When you arrive to first block for your Midyear, you should already have your MIDYEAR reflection completed and uploaded to Turnitin.com
    • In class on Wednesday, you will do some in-class writing. I gave you the handout--if you have any questions, please let me know.
Honors English 11 (F block)

  • Work on your charts. Remember that you're choosing 5 categories total. Make sure that you complete at least 2 by Thursday's class--you'll have time to finish on Thursday.
  • *Gatsby
    *Other characters    
    *The 1920s
    *The American Dream/American-ness
    *How the novel links to the present
    *Language (tone, imagery, symbols, description, momentum...)
    *What the novel is “about”: the theme, moral or central argument
  • You have a test on the first 50 vocabulary words--it will be matching. Make sure you're studying.
  • Start working on your Midyear reflection. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Homework: January 11

Sorry I missed you all in class today! If you have any questions, please email me! (If we were supposed to meet after school, email me to reschedule.)

English 12 (D block)

  • You have a vocabulary test on Tuesday! All 45 words! STUDY THEM!!!
Honors English 11 (F block)
  • Finish reading/marking up the critical essays in the packet you received in class on Friday. Make notes in your journal about each of them, identifying the CLAIMS and the EVIDENCE.
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Make sure you've finished answering the questions about "Recitatif."
  • Read the first chapter of The Interestings that you received in class. Pay attention to narrative voice and elements of Coming of Age stories.
English 11 (A block)
  • Make sure you're studying for your big vocabulary test on 1/19. 
  • Complete any assignments assigned in class.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Homework: January 8

Honors English 11 (B and F blocks)

  • Make sure you've finished reading "A Whole Heap of Ashes" and the "Introduction to Literary Criticism" essays. For "Heap of Ashes," make sure you've identified CLAIMS and EVIDENCE. For the Lit Crit explanation, just read and mark up the most important information. Remember, you're NOT reading that whole packet.
  • We will have a vocabulary TEST, on words 1-50, the next day 2 (Tuesday the 19th). It will be matching. Start studying now!
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Make sure you've finished reading and marking up "Recitatif."
  • Read your IR book!
English 11 (A block)
  • Complete the response to "The Ghost Soldiers." 
  • Start studying for your vocabulary test, which is Tuesday the 19th.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Homework: January 7

English 11 (A block)
You have a vocab quiz tomorrow--study for it!
Finish reading "The Ghost Soldiers"

Honors English 11 (B block)
You have an essay due tomorrow--write a good one!
You also have a vocabulary quiz.
Finish up that "Whole Heap of Ashes" essay.

English 12 ( D block)
Write the first paragraph of your response to the "Mythic Journey in 'The Body'" essay.
Study for your vocabulary test--words 1-45. Your test is on Tuesday.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Homework: January 6

English 12 (D block)
Complete the Claims/Evidence organizer you made for the rest of the "Mythic Journey" article.

Honors English 11 (F block)
Finish your Gatsby essay!

Honors English 12 (G block)
Finish your essay. Make sure you're ready for your vocabulary test.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Homework: January 5

Honors English 11 (F block)
  • Bring in a full draft of your essay to class tomorrow.
  • Study for your vocabulary quiz--it's Friday!
  • Finish reading "A Whole Heap of Ashes" by Friday. Mark it up, noticing the CLAIMS the author makes and the EVIDENCE he uses to support his claims. 
Honors English 12 (G block)
  • Bring in a full draft of your essay to class tomorrow. We'll workshop, and the final essay is due on Friday.
  • Study for your vocabulary TEST--all 45 words--it's Friday!
  • Make sure you read to at least the break on p. 213 in "Recitatif" by Wednesday.
English 11 (A block)
  • MOST of you didn't pass in your reader's response--what's up with that? It was due today. If you didn't do it, do it. And bring it in. 
  • We'll do some writing next class about your "Great Thanksgiving Listen" interview.
  • For Thursday, read "The Ghost Soldiers" to the break on page 5 that we marked in class today.
  • Make sure you're studying for your quiz--it's Friday!
Honors English 11 (B block)
  • You're working on an essay! Bring in a draft to class on Thursday. 
  • Start reading "A Whole Heap of Ashes"--read to at least p. 141 and mark it up, noticing the CLAIMS the author makes and the EVIDENCE he uses to support his claims. 
  • You have a vocabulary quiz on Friday--make sure you're studying for it!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Homework: January 4

Honors English 11 (G block)

  • Coming up: 
    • You have an essay--FULL DRAFT--due on Wednesday. We'll do some workshopping.
    • Your final essay will be due on Friday.
    • You also have a vocabulary test (first 45 words!) on Friday.
  • So, work on all of that stuff! I'll be giving you a story to read tomorrow, so use your time wisely tonight.
English 11 (A block)
  • Your Reader Response for "The Man I Killed/Ambush" is due tomorrow. If you need to re-watch the video, it's here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbT-WlNgLr4
  • Your vocabulary test is on Friday, so study study study!
Honors English 11 (B block)
  • You have a vocab test coming up on Friday.
  • You also have an essay due on Friday! Make sure it's good. Work hard on it. Come by after school on Wednesday or Thursday if you have questions.
English 12 (D block)
  • We're going to start working with that article called "The Mythic Journey in 'The Body'" by Arthur Biddle. We talked in class about how you'd make a graphic organizer, and how you'd look for CLAIMS and EVIDENCE in each of the sections of the article. For Wednesday, you'll find the claims and evidence from the first 3 sections of the article. Stop by tomorrow if you have any questions. 
  • We'll have a TEST on the first 45 vocabulary words, on TUESDAY next week. Study hard.