"Adjectives on the typewriter...he moves his words like a prizefighter..." --Cake

Monday, January 28, 2013

Homework: January 28

Honors English 11

  • Today in class, we started talking about "Death by Landscape," a story by Margaret Atwood. We worked to fill out a Response to Reading handout. If you didn't finish the handout, you should do so for homework.
  • Then, you'll write a "One pager." It should be about a page long (hence the name), and should focus on a big idea, a connection, author's purpose, author's craft, or a quotation (or series of quotations). One way to approach this assignment is to look at a pattern that you noticed in the story, or something that stood out to you...for example, if a character's actions, or a segment of description, doesn't seem to make sense to you, write about why it might be there! This is "semi-formal" writing--clean it up for an audience, but it doesn't need to follow 5-paragraph essay format. Use it to EXPLORE an idea or part of the text.
  • We'll share your one pagers in class tomorrow! Be ready to continue discussing the story.
English 12
  • Complete your draft of your Statement, if you haven't already.
  • Read the 2 remaining stories in the packet you received today. Make sure to annotate, and write a brief response for each.

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